100 Greatest Songs of the 00’s #74 Empire of the Sun – Walking On A Dream

Released: 2009

Excerpt from the review of the album of the same name.

“Luke Steele and Nick Littlemore are both in theory on sabbatical from The Sleepy Jackson and Pnau respectively, but the Walking On A Dream betrays their ambitions as extending way beyond the relative obscurity of those parent bands; on this evidence they may never go back (2020 Note: Steele didn’t). Not so much shaking hands with commerciality as grabbing it by the throat, their debut album is stuffed with less than oblique 80’s references and by turns is indebted to the likes of Prince, Bowie and chill out poster boys Air. Add to that sleeve art that visualises Adam Ant starring in the Never Ending Story and their galactic adventure agenda is there in all its brazen nakedness.”