Deap Vally – Sistrionix 2.0 review

They say you should never go back, but sometimes you just have to. When Deap Vally – Julie Edwards (drums) and Lindsey Troy (guitar, tricks and vocal tics) – announced at the end of 2023 that they were due to put their project on an extended sabbatical, there was one big loose end to still take care of.

Having released their last three albums through more sympathetic outlets, they found that the major label in control of the masters for their 2011 debut Sistrionix were unwilling to turn them over, meaning that from a commercial perspective there was no option for them to get any recompense for their own work. This can stick in anyone’s craw – just ask Taylor Swift.

The duo quickly came up with a Swift-like response, taking the material and reworking it in a quicker and dirtier style. Sistrionix 2.0 is then effectively a sonic middle finger to the man, and the harder edge to familiar tunes like Walk of Shame, I’m Gonna Make My Own Money and Baby I Call Hell (Deap Vallys version(s), lawyer types) crackle with a pissed off energy. You should never go back – well only if you’ve got business to attend to, anyway.

You can read a full review here.