Sufjan Stevens – Reflections review

The cultural stratosphere where music meets perceived high art isn’t as the cliché goes for everyone, whether that applies to performer or listener. Sufjan Stevens‘ longstanding relationship with the New York City Ballet’s famed choreographer Steven Peck however has led to collaborations that have enabled both to step out of their respective comfort zones.

The latest is captured musically on Reflections, which was composed by Stevens and performed for this release by Timo Andres and Conor Hanick. Without visual accompaniment the experience is clearly lacking a vital dimension, but playful interludes such as Euphoros and Ekstasis are squared neatly with downbeat ambience on Mnemosyne. The wonderfully titled And I Shall Come To You Like A Stormtrooper In Drag Serving Imperial Realness inevitably promises more than the music delivers, but Reflections is an enjoyable means to access a world that for some is comparatively just as alien.

You can read a full review here.