100 Greatest Songs of the 2010’s #47 White Lung – Drown With The Monster

Released : 2014

One of the lessons long forgotten about punk is how, at first, it emancipated everyone, male and female, taking off the shackles of sexuality and gender orientation, rejecting the tourniquet-like hold the British stiff upper prejudices.

Female voices in hardcore punk were not exactly a rarity and not exactly submerged when White Lung broke through with their second album Deep Fantasy, but as much as singer Mish Way enjoyed the non-specifity of just fronting a band, the trio found themselves straining at the movement’s narrow mindedness.

Drown With The Monster is about addiction and how sometimes, not the only thing you can do but the best thing to do is walk, as Way said at the time,  a choice that leads to “Kicking habits and running away with a new distraction”. Time to be overwhelmed.